The VIP escort mission is an excellent choice for a group looking for a mission with more options and tactics with less shooting. The VIP escort is essentially the classic ex-filtration mission to a Landing Zone (LZ) in which a "Very Important Person" (VIP) must be taken to safety across enemy territory.

This mission is played on battlefields with a very high level of cover so that there are multiple pathways that can be taken by the escort team. The cover provides opportunities for the ambush team to setup un-detected. The ambush team can set up anywhere they like in 2/3's of the battlefield. The escort team deploys at the extreme boundary of the other 1/3 of the battlefield.

One of the things that make this mission a little more challenging and slower in pace is there are no re-spawns for either team. Knowing they can be shot out of the mission if they are reckless or unlucky makes this a very intense experience for the players, and is therefore not designed for beginners.
